Damn Day Job...

I know it's been awhile since I've posted. I've had my ups and downs since I had to put my dog down in August and work has gotten nuts with the holiday season. I've been working longer shifts and Sunday's 8am-noon, BUT...this weekend we're free!!! We managed to get caught up and did not have to work today...aannndddd, starting tomorrow I go back to my regular hours. Phewwww! I'm exhausted and my lack of writing the past couple months shows it. I have managed to write some ideas down along with a chapter or two in notebooks. I have a notebook for each book idea so when something comes to me I can capture it right away. Plus, I like putting actual pencil/pen to paper. Perhaps I was a scribe in one of my past lives lol!! It's been really quiet in my house the past few months without my boy here and I have felt the pull to get a cat. I haven't had a cat for quite a few years since my last one passed suddenly at the age of 14. She was such an amazi...