
Showing posts from May, 2017

Crazy Town...

I have decided to move and now my life is upside-down. Partly because I am a procrastinator...I will wait until the last damn minute to finish packing. Why? I have no clue, but let me tell you I am hell on wheels once I get going! One would think that once I was aware of the problem (which I have been for years) that I would correct said problem....ummm no...this is apparently not how I roll. So I will slowly work through my house and pack here and there, all the while staring at my back yard hoping someone will magically appear to mow it for me. FYI, that has not happened yet either. I had 5 days off this Memorial Day weekend. Three of them were spent driving in nearly every direction on the map. I have two more days at my current job and then I am off until I leave on I hope I can get everything fricking done. Please pray for me if you feel moved to do so 😬 I think I'm going to need it lol! Thursday was spent driving 3 hours southeast to my new home to be, to...

Where the magic happens....

So when I started all of this I only had my laptop and I was writing wherever I felt like sitting...the couch, the chair, wherever. My problem was, I tend to lean forward as I'm typing so my neck and shoulders would end up hurting. This was not very conducive to productive writing sessions, and so there came the light bulb moment, buy a desk! Of course, but which one?  So began the search for a desk. I didn't have a lot of room to put one...although I could have had a whole room, but I have put off cleaning the extra bedroom for the entire 6 years I've lived here, why start now??? So I measured how much room I had in the living room, after a small amount of furniture rearrangement, and went from there. I find a small desk (and chair) I really like and that I think will fit fairly well it it's designated corner. Order desk and chair. Get desk and chair. Put desk and chair together (with only mild frustration, irritation and moderate cursing). Done. Ta da!!! I am now a...