
Showing posts from April, 2017

And so it begins....

I have begun the fusion of my two story versions and I have to admit my head already hurts. I've gone through the second version of the book and picked out the pieces I want to I just have to figure out where their going to go. Great plan, but it's a little harder executing it. So I've decided I'm going to have to start over from scratch.  Yep...I'm starting from page one....again. *heavy sigh* I know it's the best way to do it, but that doesn't make it any easier, or make my head hurt any worse. The only thing that does make it better is knowing that the end product will be a greater, more cohesive story. So here I go, plugging my nose and diving in the deep end. I've been fighting the urge to sleep today as my cold medicine is making me extremely tired. I even took a nap today, which is very unusual for me. I not a napper. I woke up with a sore throat yesterday and which made me a very not-so-happy camper. I hate being sick, plus w...

And we're rolling.....sort of

Well, I've decided that I'm going to combine the two versions of my first least in theory. I'm going to print out the second version and mark what I want to keep....then go through the printed first version and mark where I want the new pieces to fit. Ok. Sounds like a good plan.  Except....I forgot to print out the second version before I left work on Friday (my printer and my laptop are having a bit of a tiff and are not currently speaking to each other) and my Saturday got blown to hell, with random minutia and an attempt to mow the jungle I call a backyard. It's been raining quite a bit lately so I've been waiting for it dry up enough for me to mow and I finally decided to take a shot before I lose my dog back there. I gave up after getting about a little more than half done....I got really tired of restarting the mower after the heavy wet grass kept killing it's still on "the list".  Now today it's laundry (lik...

Easter Musings....

Happy Easter Everyone! I hope all of you are enjoying wonderful food, friends and family. 💗 Today seems to be a day of reflection for me...a bit serious I know, but I've learned just to run with whatever my brain comes up with because it's going to keep talking about it anyway. I was thinking about why I want to write a book. I know I said yesterday that it was to get it out of my head, and that's true, but that was more of the beginning "why". When I first started all of this my cousin asked me "why do you really want to write a book?" She said once I knew the "why" I'd have the basis for the "how". My true motivation would help me write it....and I thought I knew. I wanted to get this story, that had been bouncing around in my head for years, out and onto the page. Into book form, on paper, computer screen or whatever. Something I could look at and say "Hey, there it is!", but the more I got into it the more ...

How it all began... few months ago I decided I needed to write a book. Why? Mainly just to get it out of my head. I have a tendency to have these story ideas in my head and they won't leave me alone until I write them down. Some of the impertinent little buggers even wake me up or have the utter audacity to not let me go to sleep until I've gotten back up to scribble some random idea down on whatever piece of paper I happen to find. Then...back to bed....ahhhhh sleep. Maybe. Ughhh. Now I'm back up again after telling the next idea that I'll be sure to write it down as soon as I get up in the morning, but does it listen?? NO, it does not. It's a lot like a toddler walking into the room and standing by the bed saying "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom." So here I go again to stick my nose onto some piece of paper (I'm legally blind without my contacts and I refuse to put them in to do this) and scribble more ideas down. Now I'm going to sleep no matter what my ...