Easter Musings....
Happy Easter Everyone! I hope all of you are enjoying wonderful food, friends and family. 💗
Today seems to be a day of reflection for me...a bit serious I know, but I've learned just to run with whatever my brain comes up with because it's going to keep talking about it anyway.
I was thinking about why I want to write a book. I know I said yesterday that it was to get it out of my head, and that's true, but that was more of the beginning "why".
When I first started all of this my cousin asked me "why do you really want to write a book?" She said once I knew the "why" I'd have the basis for the "how". My true motivation would help me write it....and I thought I knew. I wanted to get this story, that had been bouncing around in my head for years, out and onto the page. Into book form, on paper, computer screen or whatever. Something I could look at and say "Hey, there it is!", but the more I got into it the more I realized I wanted to actually be a published author (a successful published author just to be clear).
I didn't think I was going to write the next great novel that people would read for years and years to come and would talk about in reverent tones....and to be honest I don't think I could pull that off even if I really, really tried.
But, I do want to write a book that people will just read and enjoy. A book that someone would run across on the bookstore shelf, pull down, read the back and think "Hey, this sounds kind of interesting" and then takes it home. A book that someone grabs when they're going to eat lunch (I do this a lot. In fact I'm not sure if I'm capable of not eating while I read, or not reading while I eat).
A book someone takes with them on vacation because they're hoping to have the time to get it finished; or maybe they're at a really good spot and want to know what's going to happen next so they put off doing the laundry until they find out. I want my book to be like one of the many I have on my bookshelves; a book to be read and then possibly reread if the mood strikes. I just want people to like it, enjoy it and maybe if I'm really lucky, love it.
So there you have it. The real reason I want to write a book; to have my ideas appeal to someone other than me and have them like it as much as I do.
Ok...that's enough deep thinking for one day. It's almost time to put the ham in the oven. Which I am not sharing with the dog, no matter what he says.
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